Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Sarum Rite

This is an example of the old 'use' of the Roman Rite that is native to England. I won't get into the details, but there is an excellent explanation in the links below. This use is still legitimate and should be more widely celebrated. When I am rich I will found an order or something that only celebrates the Sarum Use.

Of course, all the pre-reformation English saints (well most of them, there was a 'use' of Lincoln and York, among others) including St Thomas More, would have been to this mass, NOT the Traditional Latin Mass. Pugin designed his churches on the presumption that Catholics in England would just use the Sarum Use of the Roman Rite again. Unfortunatley that never happened- yet anyway.

great explanatory links:

History Article on Sarum Use

Images and Dicussion

A recent pontifical celebration

Sarum Divine Office

Great Pics but the post reads bottom to top

X-Men cartoons

I just ordered the comlete X-Men cartoon series from the 90's. I used to love these as a kid. They are far deeper than the rubbish kids get today. These had meaning, mythology and a sense of storyline and continuity. AND, it has real baddies, Like Apocalypse and Dr. Sinister, without jittering stupid sidekicks you often find today. It had moral conflict, like Magneto's struggle to kill or work with humans and a sense of trancendand power, like the Phoenix. I know the actual comics are better, but they are so expensive and one cant get the whole series. By the way, as usual, I think the movies stink.

The Great Cornholio

Hey Remember this guy? That cartoon show was so funny.

Lifeguard Sickness

Ever heard of Cabin Fever? Well a similar mental diseas is also common among Surf lifeguards on country beaches in summer. Sitting on a beach for 6 out of seven days per week(then spending the 7th on the beach anyway) in rain, hail or shine tends to destroy the brain. There are many symptoms, including:

1. Gibberish. After about 4 days the lifeguard has said everything he possibly can to his partner and delves into gibberish. Common words are "amergh," "a-fat-a," "poopinyaka," "boodgerigaan."

2. Poetic phrases are common, e.g: "Whay yoo doodat Creg? Yoo bin comin roun, comin roun a-takin ma corn breah!" Translation: "Why you do that Craig? You've been coming around, coming around, taking my corn bread." Meaning: No meaning.

3. Silly behaviour with the public. To be honest, the public is crazy and intrinsically stupid, but that is for another post. Lifeguards will often play word games, like using "shark" or "sharklike' words while speaking to people on the beach. Or other words like, "grasshopper," "nincompoop," "obi-wan" or "shaloa."

4. Misusing equiptment: Lifegurds just go crazy. I know some who have burt down their lifguard sheds during the night for fun and blamed in on local hoodlums.

5. Radio abuse: Lifguards have rescue radios they use to communicate. These often take the brunt of a Lifeguard's sickness. The events demonstrative of symptoms 1-4 most often include a rescue radio.

6. Absenteeism: Some lifeguards just tend to take 5 hour lunch breaks.

So there you go. There are of course more. Bet you didn't know the perils of being an attractive, sun tanned and well trained profession Beach inspector/Lifeguard.

A-FAT-A to you all.

Now now no monkey business

Now now no monkey business